BCC Software Provides New Visibility to Incoming Mail
Track N Trace™ Product Now Leverages USPS Intelligent Mail barcode to Track and Report on Inbound Mail
Rochester, NY – January 27, 2015: Today, BCC Software, a leader in postal products and data marketing services, announced the addition of return mail tracking based on USPS® Intelligent Mail® barcode and IMb Tracing™ to its industry-leading Track N Trace™ service. Track N Trace is already trusted by thousands of mailers and marketers to track the current delivery status of their outbound mailings. This new option for inbound mail tracking will provide customers the same visibility, accountability, and predictability currently available for outbound tracking.
BCC Software President Chris Lien said “BCC Software customers rely on the tremendous depth of data our Track N Trace destination service provides via intuitive built in reports that are focused on the challenges facing their businesses. With Track N Trace Origin Confirm™, they now have greater visibility across the largest mail supply chain in the world. Our customers appreciate the easy access and actionable reports available to leverage this powerful service to enhance customer intimacy and manage reply mail well in advance of its arrival”.
Track N Trace Origin Confirm combines United States Postal Service® IMb® scans of business and courtesy reply mail with customer supplied data to provide impactful reports that allow users to predict cash flow, plan collection efforts, and streamline inventory management. The reports detail an accurate understanding of delivery patterns that impact strategic operations and customer service experience and can be downloaded in user-friendly formats. For example, the aptly named “What’s In the Mail?” report displays the total number of pieces that have been entered in the mail stream by customers, breaks down the quantity expected to arrive by day at the processing facility and includes the user defined value of those pieces.
The Track N Trace platform is used by thousands of companies to track millions of mail pieces each month. The hosted reporting platform accepts incoming jobs from many sources including integration into BCC Software’s Mail Manager family of products, direct upload, or an intuitive job creation wizard included within Track N Trace. Adding outbound and inbound mail piece tracking integrates easily into any direct mailing workflow. The customizable reports can be run at any time within the secure Track N Trace website or scheduled for direct electronic transfer for those that want up-to-date delivery information at their fingertips.
To learn more about Track N Trace Origin Confirm, please visit www.bccsoftware.com/tnt. For additional information, contact marketing@bccsoftware.com or call (800) 453-3130.
About BCC Software, LLC: Based in Rochester, NY, BCC Software creates innovative postal software solutions and provides extensive data marketing services. The company was founded in 1978 and employs approximately 80 people. More information on BCC can be found at www.bccsoftware.com or by calling 800.624.5234.
BCC Software Media Contact: Shawn Ryan, Director of Marketing Communications, shawnr@bccsoftware.com, 585.341.3357
© 2015 BCC Software, LLC. All rights reserved. BCC Software, the BCC Software logo, Track N Trace, and Track N Trace Origin Confirm are trademarks or registered trademarks of BCC Software, LLC. The following trademarks are owned by the United States Postal Service: United States Postal Service, USPS, Intelligent Mail, IMb. Specifications are subject to change without notice.