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Presorting using both 1-foot MM trays and 2-foot EMM trays

For years we have had many requests to be able to use 1-foot MM trays and 2 foot EMM trays in the same mailing, and for years we have been telling you that it is just not possible because it is against the rules according to the DMM.  Well, we have exciting news! As of January 25th of this year the USPS has changed those rules regarding Letter Tray Preparation. According to DMM 203.4.3, ‘…When using EMM trays, the 1-foot MM tray may be used in order to minimize the number of trays.’

As of BCC Mail Manager version, we added that functionality to the Mail Manager family of products. In the Mailing Presort Information window, when you select EMM Trays as your container type, you will also see an additional check box for ‘Opt 1-ft MM tray’ preparation. Once you check that box, the minimums and maximums for both the 2-foot and 1-foot tray are displayed. Unfortunately, currently you are unable to customize the fullness of the 1-foot tray. That functionality will be coming soon!  We have also added indicators for the tray sizes on the USPS Qualification Report as well as the Presort Production Report, Job Setup Report and Container Totals Report.

If you have any questions regarding this new feature, please call BCC Software Customer Support at 1 800.624.5234. We are here to help!