
Want to keep up on postal happenings?

New Date Added: Join BCC Software for PCC Week 2015

Your local Postal Customer Council (PCC) is an excellent way to connect with the USPS as well as other mailers in your area. It serves as a great resource to communicate information and best practices related to mail, as well as educational sessions. Many local chapters host their largest annual event every year during PCC week. As an active PCC supporter, BCC Software annually spreads out around the country to hit a number of events. Here is where you can find BCC Software this year:

  • Boston on September 21: Hear President Chris Lien present “Finding the 5 Bottom Line Impacting Gems Hiding in Your Data” and meet Director of Marketing Communications Shawn Ryan at the BCC Software booth. (More Info: https://www.bostonpcc.org/)
  • Portland on September 23: Meet Account Executive Ryan Oefstedahl at the BCC Software booth. (More info: http://www.gppcc.com/)
  • NEW DATE ADDED! Chicago on September 23: Meet Sr. Director of Product Strategy Dylan Purse. (More info: http://www.chicagopcc.com/)
  • Rochester, NY on September 24: Meet Sr. Product Manager Bill Jamieson throughout the educational sessions. (More info: http://www.grpcc.com/)
  • Buffalo, NY on September 25: Meet Sr. Product Manager Mitch Carpenter throughout the educational sessions. (More info: http://www.buffaloniagarapcc.org/)

If you’re going to be at one of these events and want to setup a time to meet with us, email us at marketing@bccsoftware.com.