Exclusive Preview: More Information on Our Upcoming API
Last month we revealed that we are working on some new technology, but didn’t share much more than that it is a modular, scalable API. As we draw closer to launching later this quarter, we are prepared to reveal a bit more detail by answering the top 3 questions we heard following last month’s announcement:
Q: What does the API contain?
A: At launch, the API will contain everything you need to integrate presort into your workflow. This includes the ability to import/export files, perform a presort including rate qualification and groupings, and report generation. Future releases will add capabilities for things like address standardization and data services.
Q: How does the API work?
A: The API is built on a modular, scalable architecture that, depending on the customer’s need, allows software to be run on any number of machines across different environments, depending on the requirements of each customers environment. This unique setup allows mailers to fine tune performance by scaling the number of workers performing under the control of the master and distributing the load across multiple machines.
Q: How will this be different from an automated workflow with BCC Mail Manager?
A: The API is not a direct replacement for BCC Mail Manager. They each have some unique capabilities and benefits that make them useful in different applications. The API currently has a more narrow focus but is more flexible in an integration environment, including easier integration into up and downstream steps in your workflow that may be managed by other pieces of software.
If you would like more information or are interested in talking to our team to see if the API is right for your environment, we would love to hear from you at marketing@bccsoftware.com.