Do I Need to Cancel My Track N Trace® Job?
Our Data Marketing Services department often receives questions from Track N Trace® (TNT™) users regarding what aspects of the mailing can be modified without having to cancel and create a new TNT job. The answer is: depending on the type of change(s), edits can be made to the TNT job through the TNT Wizard/TNT site to reflect mailing adjustments and prevent the need to cancel the job completely.
The TNT job’s mailing date, drop date, Job ID, or Job Title can be edited on the TNT site under the Mailings tab or in the Track N Trace Wizard within BCC Mail Manager™, BCC Mail Manager LE™, or BCC Mail Manager Full Service™. The Wizard can be found on the Presort Summary Printing Menu, under Tools. Once in the Wizard, you can make any necessary changes.
Please note, TNT jobs with scans cannot be modified or cancelled.
If the presort quantity changes, you can resort the list and use an existing BCC Job ID. This can be done by selecting Job Screen on the Track N Trace Wizard, then use an existing job with the current mailing and enter the Job ID into the BCC Job IDS field.
There are aspects of the mailing that cannot be modified within a TNT job, such as Class of Mail or Piece Type. In instances like these, the prepared TNT job needs to be cancelled. To cancel a TNT job, contact the Data Marketing Services department at (800) 337-0372 or email We identify jobs by the BCC Job ID, so please be sure to include this ID in any correspondence. Once cancelled, the TNT credits will be immediately replenished to your account.
Please note, TNT jobs with scans, expired TNT credits and/or older than 90 days cannot be cancelled.
For further assistance with creating and/or editing TNT jobs, don’t hesitate to contact our Customer Support department at (800) 624-5234.