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Important Industry Updates – UPU Decision and New USPS® Board of Governors

Last week, the USPS® announced their decision regarding their involvement with the Universal Postal Union (UPU). In her official statement, Postmaster General Brennan shared that an agreement has been made “that accommodates the concerns of the United States and other countries” regarding the current payment system and therefore the United States will not withdraw its membership in the UPU.

She stated, “the United States and other countries’ concerns have been addressed by allowing the Postal Service to self-declare its rates beginning in July 2020, while operators from other countries will transition to self-declared rates at phased levels over the next six years.” The outcome of these negotiations also enables the Postal Service to support infrastructure development abroad for the improvement of postal security.

Additionally, please be aware that the new USPS Board of Governors will be officially meeting for the first time on October 2nd and 3rd in closed meetings. While their agenda is not currently available, it is safe to assume they will be discussing:

  • 2020 price increase
  • 10-year plan

This meeting is sure to bring headline news in the coming weeks. As always, we will keep you informed – and consider tuning into BCC Software’s Industry Corner podcast if you don’t’ already, where these topics and more will be covered. Available wherever you get your podcasts.

To learn more about the new Governors, click here: