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New Association Formed: Delivery Technology Advocacy Council

The Delivery Technology Advocacy Council (DTAC) is a new association formed in 2020 by leaders in the mailing and shipping industry. These leaders recognized the increasing importance of technology in delivery services and postal operations. BCC Software’s President, Chris Lien, and VP of Product Strategy, Shawn Ryan, are both members of this new association and hold positions on its Board of Directors.  Together with the other members, they are assisting with the formation of association bylaws and other necessary components to ensure the continued management of Mail.dat® and Mail.XML™ specifications continues for customers long into the future.

“Idealliance is pleased to partner with DTAC for the sale and transfer of Mail.dat and Mail.XML to DTAC,” said Dick Ryan, Idealliance Acting CEO. “Over the past few months Idealliance has streamlined its broad portfolio to focus its work on standards and training for the graphic communications supply chain and production workflow. Idealliance will continue to work in the mailing industry arena through its mail preparation and entry training program, MailPro® with an updated and expanded version to be released in the fall.”

To learn more about DTAC, including their mission and how to become a member, visit: https://www.delivery-tech.org/

To read the official press release, click here.