
Want to keep up on postal happenings?

Have you read the Release Notes?

Name a word to describe software release notes. Dry? Boring? Tedious? All of the above? Probably. But they do contain valuable technical information that helps you to understand what has changed in our products and the USPS® tables.

Product Release Notes give an overview of fixes and enhancements made to the software. If you have contacted BCC Software Technical support about a problem, and were given an internal tracking number, you will see it in the Release Notes when the fix is made available.

In September 2014, the USPS began a monthly update cycle for their tables (e.g. Labeling Lists, Mail Direction, Zones and City/State). Table Update Release Notes cover changes to these regularly updated USPS tables. The Table Release Notes lists the publish dates, effective dates, mandatory dates and expiration dates for Labeling Lists tables. Your presort tables must be kept current in order to produce valid presorts.

Beginning with the 1/16/2015 Table Updates, we’ve consolidated the Table Release Notes for our BCC Mail Manager™, TagIt Pro™ and ZIPFOURce™ products. The products use the same tables, so it made sense to consolidate the communication. You will still get the actual updates and release notes from the same sections of the Software Downloads page as you always have – only the documentation has changed. The products affected by each change are noted to the left of the release note entry.

Sample Table Release Notes document
Sample Table Release Notes document