Are you ready for USPS Full Service?
Adding a Palletization module to your BCC Mail Manager software could help.
Whether you are a basic or full service mailer currently creating courtesy pallets for presentation, or interested in Palletization to simplify delivery, there are many advantages to adding Palletization to BCC Mail Manager:
- Meet the regulations for pallet presentation described in DMM 705.8.
- Use the Advanced Pallet Settings to control pallet dimensions to accommodate your delivery vehicle.
- Organize destination pallets such as NDCs, SCFs, and DDUs.
- Create optional legal, low-volume pallets for leftover trays, sacks, or packages.
- Generate a Qualification Report detailing pallets to assist your team with loading trays, sacks, or packages onto the correct pallet.
- Create Pallet placards.
- Easy pick-up and delivery for your logistics carriers, including Truck Direct Mail®.
- Eliminate delays and possible rejection of illegal “courtesy” pallets.
Palletization modules are available for trays, sacks, or packages. Advantages for each module could include:
- Trays – Reduce time spent organizing materials for manual sorts. The mail pieces are printed in pallet order, eliminating all guess work.
- Sacks – Transportation of sacks becomes more manageable with secure shrink-wrapped pallets.
- Packages – By eliminating sack “bagging and tagging”, labor hours may be reduced, opening your time up to take on more processing.
- First-Class™ – supports Customer Supplier Agreements (CSAs)
Save on the Palletization modules through December 31, 2014. The discount you may receive on your current purchase(s) range from 20% to 40%. Discounts are based on the number of options currently being purchased, or the number of Palletization options you may have purchased, and are current with your subscription, prior to this purchase. Please call (800) 337-0442 or email for details.
© 2014 BCC Software, LLC. All rights reserved. BCC Software, the BCC Software logo, BCC Mail Manager, Data Preflight, Datavolve, Go Data, and Track N Trace are trademarks or registered trademarks of BCC Software, LLC. The following trademarks are owned by the United States Postal Service: United States Postal Service, USPS, First-Class, First-Class Mail, IMb, Intelligent Mail, CASS, DPV, NCOALink, and Post Office. Mail.dat is a registered trademark of International Digital Enterprise Alliance, Inc. Truck Direct Mail is a registered trademark of Direct Logistics. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Actual performance results may vary.