
Want to keep up on postal happenings?

Recommended Sequence for Processing Data Marketing Services

BCC Software is continuously adding to and updating our Data Marketing Services (DMS) suite of products, based on the shifting needs of our customers. While we pride ourselves on the ability to match our customers with solutions that work for them, we also understand that the optimal sequence of process submission may seem confusing, especially with the latest addition of our newest Data Marketing Service, Rooftop Geocoding.

Below is BCC Software’s recommended order for using several DMS services on one list:

  1. CASS/DPV: Validates address information at the physical delivery point level.
  2. ARS: Attempts to resolve incorrect or incomplete addresses.
  3. PCOA: Updates your list using 60 months of Change Of Address (COA) data from a proprietary database.
  4. NCOALink® :Updates your list using 48 months of data from the database of Change Of Address (COA) forms filed with the USPS®.
  5. Suppression: Suppression suite processing identifies records in your list that match to common suppression/pander files including Direct Marketing Association (DMA) mail preference service, deceased, prison, and business.
  6. Rooftop Geocoding: Updates your list with exact latitude and longitude coordinates.
  7. DSF2: Updates your list using the Delivery Sequence File (DSF), and return a Walk Sequence and a Business/Residential flag for each record that matched.

Due to specific updates and regulations associated with each process, these Data Marketing Services must be used in a particular order to ensure the best results.

For further information on our DMS services, or if you have any questions about completing this process, call BCC Software’s Data Marketing department at 800.337.0372.