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Follow Up: What is going on with the USPS?
We remain in limbo with the USPS®, but we know one thing for certain: the entire rate case will be delayed. The April 26, 2015 date has been removed, and new target date has not yet been announced. That means there will be no new prices for any class of mail. In addition PostalOne! Release 41… Read: Follow Up: What is going on with the USPS? »
Free Exhibit Hall Passes Available for NPF
The 2015 National Postal Forum is being held in Anaheim, CA from May 17-20. As usual, BCC Software will have a prominent role in the event including a booth in the exhibit hall and several featured speaking engagements. If you’re considering attending NPF, we’re happy to offer complimentary exhibit hall passes. To take advantage of… Read: Free Exhibit Hall Passes Available for NPF »
Why are my NCOALink jobs going on hold due to PAF issues?
Is this a question you often ask? Even after selecting a PAF listed on the “Choose PAF” window, are jobs going on hold due to a pending ePAF or invalid PAF? We have changed the “Choose PAF” utility to make it more user-friendly. With clearer headers to help navigate through the windows, descriptions to ensure… Read: Why are my NCOALink jobs going on hold due to PAF issues? »
Director of Architecture Shawn Baldwin Awarded Prestigious IDEAlliance Circle of Excellence Award for Leadership in Transformative Mail.XML Specification
At last month’s Print Distribution 2015 conference Shawn Baldwin, our Director of Architecture, was presented IDEAlliance’s Circle of Excellence Award in recognition of his industry contributions for his leadership in development of the Mail.XML specification. Shawn has been with us at BCC Software since 1995, and has served as the IDEAlliance chair for Mail.XML since… Read: Director of Architecture Shawn Baldwin Awarded Prestigious IDEAlliance Circle of Excellence Award for Leadership in Transformative Mail.XML Specification »
Three Helpful Tips for Successful Updates
BCC Software publishes six bi-monthly update disks annually, in addition to several interim web updates and table updates, to keep BCC Mail Manager current with the latest USPS requirements and tables. As the release nears with changes to support the anticipated rate adjustments, now is a good time to ensure you’re considering these three best… Read: Three Helpful Tips for Successful Updates »
How do you use Track N Trace®?
Track n Trace is a powerful mail piece tracking and reporting service that is being used by companies across different industries to solve real business challenges. We recently polled a few of our Track N Trace (TNT™) customers to find out how TNT fits into their operation, and we share some of those results below.… Read: How do you use Track N Trace®? »
Professional Services for a Changing Postal Industry
With the continuing complexity and changes in the postal industry, like new regulations and increasing postal rates, mailing companies are looking for ways to grow revenue. BCC Software has numerous products and services to help companies reach their revenue goals. Sometimes the growth needed to reach our goals, or even surpass them, depends on our… Read: Professional Services for a Changing Postal Industry »