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Senate Confirms Two Nominees to the USPS Board of Governors

On August 28th, Robert M. Duncan of Kentucky and David Williams of Illinois were confirmed as Governors of the U.S. Postal Service® by voice vote in the Senate.

At full complement, the USPS® Board of Governors includes nine Presidentially appointed Governors, along with the Postmaster General (PMG) and the Deputy Postmaster General (DPMG). The Board has not had a quorum since 2014 and has been without a single Governor since December 2016. In the interim, the Postal Service has been functioning under a Temporary Emergency Committee that includes only the PMG and the DPMG.

These confirmations pave the way for the Postal Service™ to raise postage prices and offer promotions, if they decide to do so. As reported previously, it is safe to assume that the Postal Service intends to raise rates in January 2019 by the statutory limit of CPI. The current CPI-U percent is 2.356.

Stayed tuned for more updated on the USPS Board of Governors from BCC Software.

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