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Tech Tip: Using NCOALink Only with COMPLIANCE+

As we announced back in November, we have added the ability for customers to send COMPLIANCE+™ jobs for NCOALink® only processing. Since this announcement, we have seen more and more of our NCOALink users transition over to COMPLIANCE + to take advantage of the process’ additional address cleansing capabilities. This has been exciting for our Data Marketing Services (DMS) department, however, it has caused some recurring questions among our customers who need to send an NCOALink only job, so we wanted to take the time to address those questions.

With the purchase of a COMPLIANCE+ subscription, any pre-existing NCOALink FSP subscriptions will become inactive. So, in the case when a COMPLIANCE + job needs to be submitted for NCOALink only, the following selections need to be used on page 1 of the DMS Wizard:

Under Processes, select COMPLIANCE+, then under Additional Options, check the NCOALink only box.

Note: Jobs need to be processed under COMPLIANCE+. If the job is submitted with NCOALink FSP selected as the process, it will go on Finance Hold.


The reports returned from a COMPLIANCE+ with NCOALink only job will include a COMPLIANCE+ Processing Certificate, NCOALink FSP/LACSLink® Summary, PS 3553, and COA Audit Report. Also, COMPLIANCE+ includes NCOALink FSP processing and will only use PAFs logged for NCOALink FSP. If you are an NCOALink LSP user transitioning to COMPLIANCE+, new PAFs are required.

If you have any questions or are looking for further information, please contact Data Marketing Services at 800-337-0372.