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Utilizing Email Verification & Hygiene Services for Enhanced Communication

It’s no secret that email has become a part of everyone’s daily lives, so it’s a vital tool for quickly and effectively communicating with your customers. And yet, email addresses are ever-changing and email lists are virtually impossible to manage. To help make this daunting feat achievable, BCC Software offers Email Verification and Hygiene processing. This service uses real time validation to ensure that you are receiving the most up-to-date results.

Utilizing this process will return the following data:

Basic Information: Includes confirming the existence of the email, individual address components, and how the email address is protected.

Domain Information: Identifies known disposable and vulgar domains, as well as suggests corrections for domains that may have been incorrectly entered.

Address Information: Details information about email addresses that go to general mailboxes instead of individuals, identify disposable and vulgar addresses, and suggest corrections for individual email addresses that may have been incorrectly entered.

This service is available through BCC Software’s Go Data and LENS products. BCC Mail Manager ™ users can easily access this service through Go Data by using their Customer Portal login credentials. BCC Software offers convenient payment options.

On average, customers have experienced up to 90 percent fewer email bounces, making this a valuable tool to cleanse your addresses.

To take advantage of this service, or if you have any questions, please call the BCC Software’s Data Marketing Services department at 1.800.337.0372.